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Yamaha Aerox 155 Error Code 37

My bike recently turned on the CE light and threw error code 37. The SM also says the 2 likely causes are a failure of the ISC itself or (God forbid) the ECU $$$$$ or wiring between the 3.

Only 5-6 months ago I had Ivan do his reflash magic and the bike has performed beautifully. I can do the service myself; in fact I have already removed the TB just to check it physically.

Begini Cara Mengatasi Kode Error 37 di Yamaha NMAX, Aerox Hingga Lexi

“Masalahnya ada pada komponen ISC, bisa karena ISC-nya kotor, atau mungkin sudah rusak,” bilang Dustin owner Garage +62 di Jl. Kalau masalahnya tidak hilang, maka sudah dipastikan komponen ISC mengalami kerusakan dan harus segera diganti.

BACA JUGA  Yamaha Aerox 155 Black

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